1. Natural Sciences and Mathematics
  2. Biology

Biology| Major

Student achievement in research and exploration of the environment

Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science

Our Biology Major prepares you for several different career options and post-graduate academic pursuits. You may gain admittance to medical, dental or veterinary school, pursue graduate study, or seek employment in research or industry. The courses in the biology major provide you with a broad background in the natural sciences, opportunities for elective courses, and a culminating independent research project during your senior year. Many professional programs require specific science and mathematics coursework, as well as other areas such as psychology and sociology. You should seek advice from the pre-professional advisors to ensure that course selections will be appropriate for admission to the graduate or professional schools of your choice.

General Requirements for Admission in the Biology Major

Students applying to the biology major must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better and earn no grade of D+ or lower in the following required courses:

  • BI 101 / BI 101L Introductory Biology I and Lab

  • BI 102 / BI 102L

  • CH 101 / CH 101L Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry I and Lab* OR CH 103 / CH 103L General Chemistry I and Lab

  • CH 102 / CH 102L Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry II and Lab*

  • CH 104 / 104L General Chemistry II and Lab

  • MT 109 (or higher as placed)

  • SC 101 Methods of Science I

  • SC 102 Methods of Science II

* This course satisfies the chemistry requirement for admission to the Biology B.A. major for pre-nursing, pre-pt, pre-ot advising tracks ONLY. This course sequence does not satisfy the pre-requisite chemistry requirement for organic or an upper level chemistry courses. All other science degrees require the CH 103/104 sequence. Students should consult the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Handbook for Major for further information.

More Information on Acceptance

The student's overall GPA must be 3.0 or higher at the end of their third semester on the LEC campus. The details of the process for admission to the biology major will be provided during extended orientation and accessible via LEO. Transfer students must meet with a department advisor to request admission to the program.

For graduation, all biology majors must achieve a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA and a minimum 2.7 cumulative major GPA. Students who are determined to not be making good progress in the major may be dismissed from the major. Please note that students in health-related articulation agreements between LEC and other institutions generally must achieve GPAs higher than the minimum for graduation.

About the Biology Major

There are Core Requirements for the Biology Major. From there, students can choose to receive a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science.

Biology Core Requirements

38 Semester Credits including:

  • BI 101 Introductory Biology I (3 SH)

  • BI 101L Introductory Biology I Lab (1 SH)

  • BI 102 Introductory Biology II (3 SH)

  • BI 102L Introductory Biology II Lab (1 SH)

  • BI 201 Botany (3 SH)

  • BI 201L Botany Lab (1 SH)

  • BI 203 Cell and Molecular Biology (3 SH)

  • BI 203L Cell and Molecular Biology Lab (1 SH)

  • BI 212 Zoology (3 SH)

  • BI 212L Zoology Lab (1 SH)

  • BI 330 Evolutionary Biology (3 SH)

  • BI 490 Biology Senior Capstone (2 SH)

  • CH 103 General Chemistry 1 (3 SH)

  • CH 103L General Chemistry I Lab (1 SH)

  • CH 104 General Chemistry II (3 SH)

  • CH 104L General Chemistry II Lab (1 SH)

  • MT 207 Probability and Statistics (3 SH)*

  • SC 101 Methods of Science I (1 SH)

  • SC 102 Methods of Science II (1 SH)

* Note: MT 207 registration requires completion of MT 109 with a grade of "C" or higher.

Bachelor of Arts Option (56 SH)

  • All Biology Core Requirements (36 SH)

  • A minimum of 20 SH of 200 level or higher courses with the BI Designation

Bachelor of Science Option (72 SH)

  • All Biology Core Requirements (36 SH)

  • A minimum of 20 SH of 200 or higher level courses with the BI designation.

  • A minimum of 16 SH of 200 level or higher courses with the CH, PC and/or MT designations.

For more information about Biology…

Johnathan Tedesco, Ph.D.

Dean of the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Associate Professor of Chemistry

1 (440) 375-7352


Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Austin Hall

Biology Faculty